Apr 2024

May 2024

Performance Analysis Workshop Series

The University of Durham will be running  a workshop series which provides a comprehensive introduction to a selection of open source tools that enable researchers to assess the performance behaviour of their code. Funded by the ExCALIBUR task and PAX-HPC projects, the workshop is for small groups of developers who want to gather insight into their code base’s behaviour.

This is very useful for HPC developers because, with every new generation of hardware, we see the gap between the theoretical performance of a machine and the performance that is actually delivered by applications widen. Put simply, codes struggle to exploit the available hardware and consequently it has therefore become critical that researchers and research software engineers in HPC to understand how well and why codes use the machinery as they do. 

Ultimately, insight into performance behaviour can drive the code evolution and become the means through which future advancement through computing are facilitated. The workshops will be augmented by revision sessions covering the core HPC know-how and-so is open to wide range of prior experience in HPC.

For more details and to register see the tutorial series website at