Feb 2025

Feb 2025

Georgia Institute of Technology HPC Testbeds Visits

Where: Institute for Data Science, Durham University

Through funding from the ExCALIBUR H&ES programme, Durham University will host three visitors from the Georgia Institute of Technology: Edmond Chow, Richard Vuduc and Jeffrey Young. The intentions of this visit are to discuss experiences and plans for future hardware installations; to consider how modern hardware trends affect algorithm and system design; and to identify pathways to collaboration in the near future. Testbeds play a vital role in exploring these hardware trends and their relation to software design. The HPC Hardware Lab at Durham University has become a key component of the institution’s diverse array of computing systems, and such testbeds are now hosted across a variety of institutions including the The Rogues Gallery at Georgia Tech.

The central questions surrounding this event are:

  • What are best practices in engaging with local and national researchers from a testbed and a software point of view?
  • What are our procurement visions and ambitions for the next 2-5 years?
  • What are funding opportunities to make such testbeds sustainable beyond the programme duration of ECP or ExCALIBUR, respectively?

The programme of this visit – which can be found on our webpage – will consist of a series of talks, and various 1:1 conversations. We have a limited number of travel funds available to support visits from across the UK to come to Durham and join us for the talks and 1:1 conversations.

Contact Us

For queries with regards to organising a 1:1 conversation and travel support please contact Thomas Flynn (). For more information regarding details of the visit please see our webpage.