Jul 2024


The International Conference on Computational Science is an annual event that brings together researchers working in mathematics, computer science, and other application areas. With a focus on work which is pioneering computational methods in sciences such as physics, chemistry, life sciences, and engineering, as well as in arts and humanitarian fields, the overarching objective of ICCS is to discuss problems and solutions in these areas, identify new issues, and shape future directions for research.

ExCALIBUR has a strong connection with ICCS because, in 2022, the conference was held in London and co-organised by the SEAVEA ExCALIBUR project. This year, ICCS is being held in Málaga, Spain, and there will be a focus day held on ExCALIBUR which will run the day before the conference starts. With representatives across ExCALIBUR projects, the objective is to cover a wide range of topics in the mathematical and computer science space that will be of direct benefit to the work being undertaken by attendees.

The schedule is still being confirmed for the event, and will be posted once it has been firmed up. In the meantime, registration is open for ICCS.