RSE training in algorithms for exascale simulations

The exascale computing landscape in the UK is at an exciting stage, with funding being allocated to novel architectures, new software frameworks and innovative algorithms.

Through training RSEs we have an opportunity to embed the progress made in these areas into the core of academic research and industrial applications, positioning the UK as an international leader in exascale simulations. To grasp this opportunity, it is essential that RSEs are trained in algorithms so that they can take an active part in research in this area. In order to make informed and creative design choices when writing and optimising software, RSEs need to have core knowledge of algorithms so that they can confidently innovate and avoid the common pitfalls that academics and industrial partners are already aware of through their research and experience. If this core knowledge is not passed on to RSEs and shared throughout the RSE community, advances made through the ExCALIBUR programme research projects risk failing to achieve crucial impact in academic and industrial applications. 

As described in RSE Knowledge Integration Landscape Review, it is crucial that RSEs have the potential to be actively involved in research. This is one of the key attractions of the job for skilled postgraduate students and is essential for retaining skilled RSEs in the role. The Landscape Review acknowledges that design of new algorithms is a research field in itself and requires strong domain specific knowledge. We propose to provide training in this area, alongside opportunities for knowledge exchange and networking between academic researchers, postgraduate students, RSEs and industrial partners. 

We propose to run two three-day workshops and a Summer School to provide training in state-of-the-art algorithms and core knowledge of the underlying foundational mathematical and numerical analysis on which they are based. The materials developed in advance of, and during, these events will be curated and shared online to either be used as standalone material for individual training or to form the basis of future summer schools. 

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