AMD MI300X in the Durham HPC Hardware Lab
The ExCALIBUR H&ES programme has supported the Durham HPC hardware lab which contains a range of latest generation compute architectures and is hosted by COSMA at Durham University. A new AMD MI300X GPU system has been made available for code port…

AMReX at Exascale meeting and workshop
On 24 – 25 June 2024, the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology (CTC) hosted AMReX at Exascale, a workshop to explore the themes of open platform programming, with a particular interest in adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) methods, in preparation for exascale…

HPCRSE@RSECon24: 3rd annual meeting of the HPC RSE community
Having grown significantly since it first ran in 2016, RSECon is an annual gathering of Research Software Engineers (RSEs) to share what they are doing, the latest developments in research software engineering, and make new contacts. ExCALIBUR has been…

CompBioMedEE : Exascale supercomputing to move away from the wet lab for drug discovery
Traditionally drug discovery has relied, almost exclusively, on wet lab activities with animal testing being the most controversial component of this. However, this is very expensive, and insights gained can be somewhat limited by the capabilities of t…

ExCALIBUR Day: A Success Story from ICCS 2024
The International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) brings together researchers and scientists from mathematics and computer science as basic computing disciplines who are pioneering computational methods in sciences such as physics, chemistry…

AI on Real-World Applications: Placement opportunities at STFC
Are you a data scientist keen to apply ML/AI techniques to enhance your data analysis tasks?Are you a research software or data engineering professional working within industry or academia, and keen to learn more about application of AI/ML in science o…

RISC-V testbed at the RISC-V Summit Europe
The RISC-V Summit Europe brings together all those, predominantly in Europe but also in the wider world, who are working on RISC-V across a wide range of fields. Comprising three days of talks with further members only and workshop days, this is a busy…

A busy week at PASC24
The Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) conference is a popular annual event for sharing the latest developments and findings in the field of computational sciences. Held each year in Switzerland, this year PASC will returned to Zurich un…

ISC is the HPC community’s largest European conference, held each year in the early summer in Germany, the event this year was once again in Hamburg. With approximately 5000 attendees in total, there were a wide range of topics throughout the week and…

ExCALIBUR at HPC/AI Days Durham
The University of Durham is a hotbed of HPC research and scientific computing, with the University involved in many ExCALIBUR projects. Building on the success of HPC/AI Days in 2023, this year saw the conference return once again the week before ISC….

Developing a roadmap for exascale modelling workshop
The ExAMPLER project held their third workshop in Glasgow 29 – 30th April entitled Developing a roadmap for exascale modelling. ExAMPLER is all about exploring the role of exascale supercomputing for Agent Based Modelling (ABM). There are many situatio…

xDSL hosts the CGO and PPoPP conferences
The International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO) is one of the world leading conferences for exploring optimization and code generation techniques. Covering a wide range of topics in the compiler space, this conference not only has…

HPC RSE March Meetup
On March 14, UK HPC RSEs came together in an online meetup to talk about the HPC RSE community, plan what comes next, and discuss relevant technical topics around High Performance Computing and Research Software Engineering. We had 42 registrations for…

ExCALIBUR at the ARCHER2 celebration of science
ARCHER2 held a celebration of science event in Edinburgh to provide users with an opportunity to showcase their science achievements, with the two-day programme comprising a variety of talks from members of the ARCHER2 research consortia and other invi…

ExAMPLER runs a very successful Agent Based Modelling course
The ExCALIBUR ExAMPLER project has spent 29 February and 1 March at The James Hutton Institute training social scientists, in particular agent-based modellers (ABM), how to access and run their models on HPC clusters. This activity is part of the broad…

xDSL adds distributed memory support to MLIR
MLIR is a compiler technology first developed by Google and then made open source around five years ago. The xDSL project have contributed support for distributed memory parallelism into MLIR via the MPI dialect that they have developed during ExCALIBU…

New publication from QEVEC project members
Viv Kendon, Rhonda Au Yeung and Steve Lind, with colleague A. Williams have published a paper in Computer Physics Communications entitled “Quantum algorithm for smoothed particle hydrodynamics”. We present a quantum computing algorithm for the smoothed…

Training for ExCALIBUR RSEs – GPU Programming, debugging, correctness and performance analysis
Durham’s Department of Computer Science is organising a GPU programming training for PhDs, RSEs, PDRAs, … together with ARC and DiRAC. For more information please visit:https://scicomp.webspace.durham.ac.uk/teaching/professional-development/gpu-…

ExCALIBUR events @ ISC ‘23
Starting on Sunday the 21st of May and running until Thursday 25th, the HPC and ML community will descend on Hamburg for ISC, which is Europe’s largest HPC conference. Running since 1986, and with 158 exhibitors this year, ISC is always a busy event wi…

New publication from QEVEC project members
Rhonda Au-Yeung and Nicholas Chancellor from the QEVEC project, along with Pascal Halffmann from the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics have published a paper in Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology exploring the potential of quantu…

HPC and RSE Workshop
ExCALIBUR RSEs meet HPC Champions Newcastle, September 9, 2022 This hybrid workshop was organised to bring together research software engineers, researchers, and other people interested in high performance computing. It was organised by Jemma Shipton…

Atmospheric model data layout and memory access design
The Met Office LFRic model aims to provide efficient simulations of the atmosphere on next generation HPC architectures. Efficient memory management will be a key aspect in obtaining optimal performance. One element of that is optimising the level of p…

Open call for proposals to create innovative pre-Exascale testbeds
About ExCALIBUR ExCALIBUR (Exascale Computing Algorithms and Infrastructures Benefitting UK Research) is a £45.7m Strategic Priorities Fund (SPF) programme led by the Met Office, UKAEA and UKRI that aims to deliver the next generation of high-performan…

Call for expressions of interest for new ExCALIBUR grant
The Strategic Priorities Fund ExCALIBUR programme is inviting expressions of interest and bids for a funding opportunity. Title: Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) model design Amount: £300,000 Key dates: EOI issued: 30 J…

ExCALIBUR Framework for application input configuration and validation
Next-generation weather prediction and climate projections rely on complex systems using a variety of codebases owned, developed, and maintained by different (but overlapping) communities. Each of these communities uses their own approach to develop an…

Towards a wave model running on GPUs
The Met Office is responsible for providing wave forecasts which are used by a wide range of customers globally in applications including maritime traffic, offshore operations or public safety. These forecasts are delivered using the WAVEWATCH III® wav…

Open Call for proposals to deliver a exascale software
Open Call for proposals to deliver a exascale software use case project in a second Phase of funding for the high priority use case theme Proposals are invited for another phase of high priority use cases and is open to communities and research across…

New Opportunity in the QEVEC project
As part of the EPSRC funded ExCALIBUR project on Quantum Enhanced and Verified Exascale Computing (QEVEC), the Department of Physics at the University of Durham have a vacancy for a postdoctoral position to develop quantum algorithms for fluid simulati…

ExCALIBUR Cross-cutting Research Grants Awarded
The ExCALIBUR programme has defined Cross-cutting Research as a “coordinated approach to address known technology/infrastructure issues which, if resolved will lead to significant progress across a range of exascale…

Intel oneAPI Academic Center of Excellence in the UK
Durham Computer Science Department to Launch First oneAPI Academic Center of Excellence in the UK Durham University’s Department of Computer Science is excited to host Intel’s first United Kingdom (UK) oneAPI Academic Center of Excellence (CoE). The ce…

Call for participation: Adopting a Common Ecosystem for DSL Development BoF at SC21
Tuesday 16th November 2021 12:15pm – 1:15pm CSThttps://xdsl.dev/bof Running hybrid: In room 222 and via the conference online platform. Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) are a powerful way of providing programmer productivity and performance when develo…

Post-doc opportunity at the University of Warwick
The group of Animesh Datta at the University of Warwick seeks to appoint a PostDoc for 24 months (starting no later than 1 March 2022), with a possibility of extension, in the area of quantum verification with particular emphasis on applying quantum ac…

Task-parallelism team present at NVIDIA HPC Weeks Event in Japan
Many HPC applications suffer from bandwidth and latency constraints as well as lacking message progression. These problems become particularly severe for sophisticated scientific codes employing multi-scale methods, adaptive meshes, multi-physics, mult…

Open Call for proposals to deliver Phase Two of the Research Software Engineer Knowledge Integration (RSE KI) activity
Proposals are invited for the provision of training (encompassing both technical and professional development) to enable the UK Research Community to embrace the acceleration in research enabled by Exascale Systems. The activity is also aiming to grow…

Task-parallelism team to present at the International Workshop on OpenMP (IWOMP)
The team working on the cross-cutting theme of Task-parallelism are presenting their work at the 17th IWOMP conference. IWOMP is the annual workshop dedicated to the promotion and advancement of all aspects of parallel programming with OpenMP….

Design and implementation of new weather and climate diagnostic system
As important as the ability to run the next generation modelling systems is the ability for scientists to know what the models are doing. This means that they have to be able to get out of the models the quantities that they need to do that a…

GenX: Introduction to using Firedrake on ARCHER2
The GenX ExCALIBUR project are running a Firedrake training course on the afternoon of 23rd of August as part of the knowledge integration portion of the project. They are running it in part using the ARCHER2 infrastructure and the course details and r…

June 2021 newsletter – Strategic Priorities Fund (SPF)
The Exascale Computing Algorithms and Infrastructures Benefiting UK Research (ExCALIBUR) programme ExCALIBUR is a programme within the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Strategic Priorities Fund (SPF) with total funding of £46m from October 2019 to Mar…

November 2020 newsletter – Strategic Priorities Fund (SPF)
Cross-cutting themes engagement activity We are pleased to inform you that the ExCALIBUR programme will be launching an engagement activity during the week commencing 16 November 2020. This activity will be in the form of an online presentation toprovi…

June 2020 newsletter – Strategic Priorities Fund (SPF)
Introducing Exascale Computing Algorithms and Infrastructures Benefiting UK Research (ExCALIBUR) ExCALIBUR is a programme within the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Strategic Priorities Fund (SPF) with total funding of £46m from October 2019 to March…